Homesick. I wanna go home. This place is giving me too much hope. I'm constantly drowned by the memories that hit me like a tidal wave and the only thing I can do is just go with the current that leads me to absolute nowhere. I wanna go home. I wanna see Mama, Yayah Kakyang & faiq. Go out for dinner with them. Have lunch or go grocery shopping with Mama and Kakyang. Hug her and wrap my arms around her belly, just like how I used to as a kid. I wanna sit on that damn massage chair for hours without caring about anything else, gazing out the garden on a bright sunny weather with a mug of Nescafe and listening to songs that can make me forget the world.
I wanna go home. Forget every problem. Forget everyone. Forget the world.
It's the only way I can escape.