Why do I love my mom?
1. She is Allah's gift to me. From her, I learned everything that I needed to survive in this challenging world.
2. She taught me the real meaning of love (outside of emotions and beyond words) forgiveness, patience and grace.
3. She is a mother who took care of all our needs.
4. She is a friend who took time to listen whether I had a happy or sad story to tell.
5. She is my teacher, my mentor and my one & only mentor; teaching me what really matters in this world.
I can only thank to Allah, Alhamdulilllah, for my mom because without her, I would not have been brought out into this world and enjoy the life. I am grateful for every minute that I have spent with her and I need it always. Pure love and selflessness and sacrifice. I love you mama. You are the best. You will always be.
Conversations between (me & mom) JUST NOW
Conversations between (me & mom) JUST NOW
Mama : Inash, dah siap semua barang-barang balik college?
Me : Naaaaah, lambat lagi balik. & macam nak tambah cuti je, boleh kan maa? *flirting eyes*
Mama : Ehh ticket dah beli, & esok lah kamu balik takkan dah lupa sayang
Me : Haaaaaaaaaaaa esok ke balik?! :O SERIOUSLYYYYYYYYY?!!!!