I can't believe it's already Sunday. Which means that the moment I wake up from the sweet, sweet oblivion of sleep tomorrow morning, it would be Monday. A godawful Monday. A Monday where I have to wake up early in the morning, hit the showers, and go to class for the first time in the week. Monday. I hate that word. Mondaaaay. Full with classes, scheduled. It feels like acid in my mouth. I HATE MONDAYS! Well, I couldn't sleep well last night :( and I don't know why. It took me like about more than an hour i guess, to fall asleep after switching off the lights and tucking myself underneath the comforter. I also woke up a few times in the middle of the night and it was oddly warm inside my room.
There was this one time last night when I woke up with a start. I remember dreaming about all my teeth starting to get lose and then falling out of their sockets, and then I called my mother, crying about how terrified I was. It was terrifying dream that I woke up with a gasp and my heart started pounding, and just to be sure, I ran my tongue along my teeth just to see whether or not they were still in place. Hahaha. That was really terrifying. I hate dreaming. Seriously, I hate dreaming. I wouldn't mind if I dream of happy things, you know? But when it comes to weird dreams like oh I don't know, like my teeth falling out, that's just freaky. I always dream of weird things and sometimes they creep me out, other times they just annoy the crap out of me. Well, do you know about Lendu's story? Not to mention the name of the University but..yeah
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Check this out! CLICK HERE PLEASE